søndag den 29. november 2020

30: Gifts for the season

 Gifts for the season

592 sider






En antologi af jule noveller. De er af svingende kvalitet eller det er i hvert fald ikke dem alle der er min smag. Når jeg skal læse jule noveller, tænker jeg noget rart og sødt. Noget man kommer i julehumør af. Der var nogle stykker som ærlig talt bare føltes som undskyldning for skrive noget der nærmest  er porno. Ikke meget jul over dem. Heldigvis var der en del af de andre noveller der leverede det forventede. Så i alt er det en god jule antologi.

RJ Scott - Single Dad Christmas

It would be a Christmas miracle if he loved me back.

Annabeth Albert - Must Be Santa

Tis the season for Operation Christmas Papa!

Joanna Chambers - The First Snow of Winter

Christmas Eve, 1814: a maimed war hero and the childhood friend he almost kissed five years earlier are trapped together by the first snow of winter.

Eli Easton - Twelve Days of UPS

What happens when your Secret Santa is less intriguing than the delivery man who brings the gifts?

Suki Fleet - Sometimes, Always

When Echo’s Christmas Eve surprise for Peri goes a little sideways, it turns into a night they’ll both remember for the best reasons, for always.

Lane Hayes - Out For The Holidays

Good Things Happen When You’re Out for the Holidays!

Annabelle Jacobs - Driving Home For Christmas

A road trip, snowstorm, and only one big bed at the Inn…

Alex Jane - Homestead for the Holidays

Alone in a cabin in snowy Nebraska for Christmas

Amber Kell - A Santa for Trin

Everyone needs a bit of Christmas magic.

Garrett Leigh - No Place Like Home

As long as they’re together, love always wins

V.L. Locey - Dressed In Holiday Style

Can the spirit of Christmas save this budding love affair?

Clare London - Five Gold Blings

Where Christmas sparkle leads two lonely hearts.

Posy Roberts - Sojourn with You

This year, a place to stay is the best Christmas gift Sawyer could ask for.

Felice Stevens - The Gift of Forever

What do you get the man who has everything?

AE Via - An Unworthy Gift

What do the lonely do at Christmas?

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