onsdag den 1. juli 2020

214: Found at the rock concert

Found at the rock concert (Found book 4)
af Christi Snow

288 sider

A wounded rock star, a bodyguard, and a CEO get trapped in a snowed-in cabin...

It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it’s not. This is the start of an epic love story between three men. Three men who have a history twined together with encounters and impressions that have marked their years.

They just never realized how all those brief encounters would eventually change their lives forever.

Daniel, the rock star who survived a plane crash and is trying to figure out how to live his life without legs.

Luke, the bodyguard who made so many mistakes and now thinks he doesn’t deserve the man he’s loved for years.

Austin, the CEO who thinks he’s on the outside pulling the strings, but what he doesn’t realize is without him at the core, this relationship will never work...for any of them.

Det er en ok velskrevet bog. Deres baghistorie og de traumer/ar de hver især bærer på er godt beskrevet, men jeg syntes at den lykkelige slutning kommer lidt for hurtigt og let.

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