mandag den 10. december 2018

143: Still waters

Still Waters (Santuary 4)
af RJ Scott


Adam has a new assignment for Sanctuary. It means working with the man who did not trust him two years ago and destroyed their relationship. He still hates Lee but Jake Callahan, boss of Sanctuary, does not give him a choice, insisting they need to get along for the good of the cross agency case.
Lee wants desperately to understand why Adam betrayed the Bureau. He is still angry and disappointed, but the memory will not leave him alone. The Bullen case is the perfect cover to get back in his ex-lover's life, and he is determined to find out the truth.
Against the backdrop of Sanctuary and the Bullen case can they learn to understand and believe that not everything they thought was true was real?

Jeg syntes serien bliver bedre og bedre, da bøgerne sammen fortæller en facetteret og ret spændende historien.

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