mandag den 15. februar 2021

83: The dating game

 The dating game

af Rebecca Norinne

167 sider






Forfatteren skriver i bogen, at sådan som verdenen var (og er) havde hun lyst til at skrive en let og romantisk historie, som man kunne glemme lidt af det trælse i, mens man læser. Og det er præcis, hvad man får. Ingen store konflikter, men masser af romantik

Falling for the guy sleeping down the hall was never part of the plan.
When I told my brother I’d do anything to save our dad’s diner, I should have been more specific. Obviously, I didn't mean I'd go on a reality dating show to drum up business for the place.

But since I know a thing or two about taking one for the team, I suit up, hop on a plane, and head to a mansion in L.A. where I’ll spend the next several weeks pretending to woo my future wife.

Only, in a surprise twist absolutely no one saw coming, she’s not the person I’m falling for.

The suave, confidant man who sleeps just across the hall, though? My feelings for him are a whole different story.

82: O come, all ye Kellys

 O come, all ye Kellys (Love & Luck 7)

af Isla Olsen

198 sider






It’s the most wonderful time of the year and the Kelly boys are all full up with Holiday spirit. Well, mostly…

Connor’s freaking out because Chase is terrified of Santa; Declan’s trying to stop Heath from doing something drastic in the weeks before their baby is due; Owen and Blake are considering a big life change of their own; Brendan and Wade are suffering from a severe case of child interruption every time they try to jingle some bells; Aidan is learning not all publicity is good publicity in the lead up to the launch of his new show; and Shay’s not sure if he’ll ever get that glitter out of his hair…

What do you get when you combine six Kelly brothers, their six true loves, five adorable kiddies, the rest of the crazy Kelly family, even more meddlesome in-laws, and all the glitter Jamie could ask for?

Just a regular old Kelly Christmas…

81: Wrong message , right Valentine

Wrong message, right Valentine

af Romeo Alexander

110 sider






fin og ok underholdende historie til Valentines dag. Men ikke noget specielt

Sebastian: Do I have a Valentine? Ha, with the busy life I lead, dating isn’t even possible, let alone a valentine. That’s alright though, I enjoy what I do, and it’s helped by the best assistant I’ve ever had. Without Trevor, I’d probably be drowning under it all. Our strictly professional relationship is great. Well, until I open a message that changes everything…

Trevor: Between a full-time job with overtime and school, I don’t have time for anything else. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy what I do, and it pays the bills. Sebastian is a great boss, and I enjoy working with him...and not just because he’s hot. At least, that’s how it was until everything got tossed on its head over a little mistake. How the hell do I fix this?

Working extra hours over Valentine’s weekend and with a deadline looming, Sebastian and Trevor could do without distractions. Then a mix up with a sexy message send’s both men into a tailspin and makes them question everything

80: Valentine's heart

 Valentine's heart (Owatonna U novella)

af RJ Scott og V.L. Locey

127 sider






Ryker's heart has space for three things—his family, hockey, and Jacob. As their wedding grows closer, it seems that nothing can stand in the way of an idyllic celebration, surrounded by friends and loved ones. But things appear to be changing; Jacob is forging a future that might take him away from Ryker, and Ryker alternates between pride and fear when a new man comes into his fiancé's life. A hockey season from hell has him doubting his life choices, but worse, he's driving Jacob into another man's arms. How has their perfect life suddenly gone so wrong?

Life has certainly thrown many twists and turns in Jacob's path. Most of the goals he’d set for himself as a teenager had to change, but one has remained constant: finding his heart's desire and marrying him. That aspiration was reached when Ryker said, "I do". Planning their wedding was meant to be the best time of their lives, but Jacob unwittingly puts his trust in the wrong man and finds himself in danger. Is their love strong enough to survive the fallout?

79: Heart and home

 Heart and home (Heart, home, family 2)

af Andrew Grey

122 sider






Professional marketer Alan Wright needs time to recover, both physically and mentally. After getting out of the hospital, his best friend Clay takes him to his farm, where it’s quiet to recuperate. Healing is going to take a lot more time and effort than Alan ever imagined and require professional help, which comes in the form of a strong man with a gentle touch.
Haley Martin, a nurse-therapist, has never fit in with his family, the town, or himself. When he’s hired to assist Alan with his recovery, he discovers a place with people like him who live their lives without shame or fear. As Alan begins his recovery, Haley starts to come into his own as well. He just has to have the courage to take it to heart.
As Alan and Haley both learn to overcome their challenges, Haley needs to figure out how to deal with his overbearing father and stand on his own two feet. Together, holding on to each other, they learn to be stronger together and start to build a possible future. But their old lives still have pull, and they both must decide what’s truly important.

mandag den 8. februar 2021

78: Brosten


af Lona Andersen

127 sider




Carl er efter, at hans mor og ham er flyttet sammen med morens kæreste i en ny by ikke længere en "loser". Han bor i en ny by med sin mor, papfar og en "cool" papbror. Carl er konkurrencesvømmer, og det går også godt med sporten. Han har desuden fået sig en meget sød kæreste. Livet kunne ikke være bedre. Men en dag ser han, at en han kender kaster en brosten ned fra en bro. De næste dage andre alt sig.

Det er en god og velskreven historie. Man kommer ind under huden på Carl. Man forstår hans dilemmaer og hvad han kæmper med. Hvad skal han gøre med den viden han så gerne ikke vil have? Er det overhovedet muligt at gøre noget? Hvem vil tro ham loseren som han stadig føler sig som inderst inde?

Den er rimeligt let at læse, men er ikke en egentlig letlæsningsbog

77: Skabere

 Skabere (Centauri 6)

af Dee Phillips

48 sider




Serien "Centauri" består af seks bøger, som følger Aliix og hans veninde Hannahs kamp for at lære den fortid at kende, som er blevet taget fra dem. Deres tid sammen bliver en lang kamp for sandheden og en flugt fra de onde mennesker fra organisationen "OPRINDELSER".

Den er godt og spændende skrevet. Jeg er egentligt ikke så meget til science fiction, men var godt underholdt her. 

Bøgerne i serien ligger på lix 18-21, men man får alligevel en spændende historie med klassiske science fiction elementer. Med så lav lix og så få sider kan man selvfølgelig ikke få hele historien, men det bidrager egentlig bare til historien. Alt det skjulte og usagte øger spændingen.

Jeg vil helt klart anbefale at læse serien ud i et køre. Det øger også effekten af forsiderne, som virkelig bidrager til det indeni og viser udviklingen i historien

Jeg vil nok placere den som ung let, men de kan læse af lidt yngre også.

76: Aliix

Aliix (Centauri 5)

af Dee Phillips

48 sider




75: Oprindelser

 Oprindelser (Centauri 4)

af Dee Phillips

48 sider




74: Grace

 Grace (Centauri 3)

af Dee Phillips

48 sider




73: Skygger

 Skygger (Centauri 2)

af Dee Phillips

48 sider




72: Rummet

 Rummet (Centauri 1)

af Dee Phillips

48 sider




Jeg vil lave en omtale og anmeldelse af serien ved 6. og sidste bind

71: En lille ting

 En lille ting

af Tomas Lagermand Lundme og illustreret af Rasmus Bregnhøi

28 sider



rigtig god

En lille historie om hvordan mødet med en død fugl vækker helt forskellige følelser i to gode venner.

Det er en billedbog til/for lidt større børn. Fra ca 7 år. Den vil være god til oplæsning, så man kan snakke om den bagefter. Det er egentligt en enkel historie, men følelserne bliver så fint beskrevet gennem or og tegningerne. Man bliver bare suget ind og føler virkelig med dem. 

Det er en bog om død, følelser, acceptere hinandens forskelligheder og om kærlighed

70: WC-tyven


af Kirsten Ahlburg

82 sider




Den er egentlig velskreven nok, men den fangede mig bare ikke rigtigt. Jeg syntes ikke rigtig man kommer ordentligt under huden på Tilde. Den har en meget lav lix, men jeg har læst andre ung let der er lige så lette at læse, men som stadig kommer mere ind under huden.

Tilde får lommepenge af sin mor, men det er intet imod, hvad hendes veninder får af deres forældre. Tilde ved godt, at hendes mor gør sit bedste, men det er bare trist aldrig at kunne købe nogle af de rigtig fede ting. En dag da Tilde er ude på WC'et i storcenteret, fanger hendes blik en rem fra en taske, fra damen på toilettet ved siden af hende. Tilde tager en hurtig beslutning. River remmen til sig og løber afsted med tasken. Pludselig har hun penge til en ny kjole, en nyere telefon og kan poste flotte billeder på Instagram. Efter et par uger har hun ikke flere penge, og tager chancen igen. Tilde sidder i lang tid ude på toilettet før det endelig lykkes, men denne gang går det ikke helt som planlagt

69: Skjulte ar

 Skjulte ar

af Bjarke Schjødt Larsen

45 sider



virkelig god

En rigtig god og velskreven letlæsningsbog til unge. På få sider og med få ord (lix 10) får forfatteren fortalt om to personer som man når at komme under huden på, lære at kende og føle med. En af de bedste ung let jeg har læst. Det ville bestemt ikke gøre mig noget, hvis den fandtes som ikke let læs også. De to hovedpersoner og deres historier er noget jeg gerne vil læse mere om.

Sean havde tidligere en fed Instagram-profil, hvor han viste sin flotte krop frem og smilede til følgerne. Det gør han ikke længere. Nu sidder han altid med meget tøj på, fordi han har været syg, og der er sket noget med hans krop. Han møder pigen Rina, og mange ting bliver lettere

fredag den 29. januar 2021

68: The Bookseller's boyfriend

 The Bookseller's boyfriend (Copper Point Main street 1)

af Heidi Cullinan

229 sider






Det tog mig noget tid at læse denne, da den ikke rigtig for alvor fangede mig i starten. Jeg syntes personskildringerne var lidt for overfladiske i den første del af bogen, så det var svært for mig at finde noget der fastholdt min interesse. Den blev dog bedre efterhånden, så jeg vil nok også læse den næste bog i serien, når den udkommer

Bookshop owner Jacob Moore can’t believe his longtime celebrity crush, author Rasul Youssef, is moving to Copper Point. For many, the chance to meet the playboy novelist would be a dream come true, but Jacob dreads it. You should never meet your heroes.

You definitely shouldn’t pretend to be their boyfriend.

Rasul came to this backwater town for an academic residency—a necessary evil, since he’s burned through his advance without finishing the book that goes with it. But he’s also getting distance from a toxic relationship. Quiet, reserved Jacob isn’t his type, but their charade gives Rasul a respite from the social media circus surrounding his breakup, and Jacob’s charming apartment proves the perfect setting to write.

Of course, prolonged exposure reveals that Jacob’s reserved exterior hides a thoughtful, intelligent man who sets Rasul’s imagination—and heart—alight.

Every day Rasul reveals himself to be more than Jacob ever dreamed he could. Jacob tries to be content with friendship and the professional overlap between author and bookseller, knowing a shooting star like Rasul could never make a home with Jacob in a small town like Copper Point.

Could he?

67: Where there's smoke...

 Where there's smoke...(Heroes of Port Dale 7)

af Romeo Alexander

190 sider






Matt: I’m proud to be a Port Dale firefighter but it isn’t all excitement and sitting around eating homemade meals. It’s also dealing with your work “family” in ways you never expected. I love my real family, and I love my work “family”. Well, most of them. My “brothers” at the fire station are exactly what I need at work, but I wasn’t expecting to be asked out by my homophobic “brother’s” actual brother. I also wasn’t expecting how well it would work out or where it would lead us. I certainly didn’t expect we’d get caught.

Ethan: Tossed out by the Corps on medical grounds, I have no idea what to expect from civilian life. I’ve got my brother Keith, who’s been everything, brother, friend, parent. Yet when I stumble across his fellow firefighter, Matt, I find myself in a whole new world. Matt is sweet, kind, and forgiving, everything my brother is not, especially when it comes to being gay. Matt is hot. He’s everything I need, and I know I can’t hide my true self forever.

For Matt and Ethan there’s fiery instant attraction but can they get over family hurdles? When gay-hating Keith catches them kissing at work, sparks fly! Can the fire between them be rekindled or is it dead forever?

66: Just a bit wrecked

 Just a bit wrecked ( Just a bit...12)

af Alessandra Hazard

200 sider






Jeg var lidt overrasket over, at dette bind i serien føltes ny/lidt anderledes, da der er en del af bøgerne i serien hvor typerne/handlingerne lidt går igen

Andrew Reyes is handsome, rich, and very straight—he’s married to a gorgeous woman. Outspoken about his distaste for gay people, he isn’t shy about his opinion as he watches the gay couple he and his wife share a flight with.

Logan McCall is handsome, rich, and openly gay. He isn’t impressed with the bigoted jerk across the aisle, no matter how easy on the eyes he is.

To their shock and horror, they’re the only survivors when the plane crashes—stranded on a desert island with no hope of rescue, and no one but each other to depend on for survival.

As the days turn into months, can disdain, antipathy, and a craving they don’t understand and can’t resist turn into a connection? Or something more?

65: Jumping Jude

 Jumping Jude (Made Marian 3)

af Lucy Lennox

262 sider






Jude: Reaching the top of the country music charts brings out the crazy, and there’s no one crazier than my ex. Unfortunately, his threats to out me are escalating. Enter the bodyguard of my dreams.

I’d probably chafe under his constant presence if his attention to my body wasn’t so… ah… thorough. Now I have to worry about outing myself to millions of fans if I can’t keep my hands off him in public.

Derek: Now I’m an ex-Marine turned babysitter. If I have to hear Jude sing his mega-hit Bluebells one more time, I might murder him myself, and after 6 years in special ops, I know my way around a weapon. Unfortunately, so does he. Except his arsenal includes washboard abs and a killer set of pipes.

I’ve faced guns, knives, explosives and yet it’s Jude Marian who may end up bringing me to my knees.

64: Taming Teddy

 Taming Teddy (Made Marian 2)

af Lucy Lennox

260 sider






Teddy: If there’s one thing I don’t do, it’s commitment. You don’t become an award-winning photographer by staying in one place. I’m always on the road, looking for the next shot, the next award, the next hot body. Which is how I end up on Dr. James Marian’s front porch in the middle-of-nowhere Alaska. He’s known as the Wildlife Whisperer, and I want to photograph him in action. He’s reluctant at first, but I can be persuasive. 

Soon enough I have him in bed saying yes over and over and over again, but my ability to shoot and scoot is frozen by a Denali snowstorm.

Jamie: I always thought of myself as the marrying type. Until I got left at the altar. Now I have a new motto: never commit and never fall in love. So when a cocky nature photographer decides I’m the key to his next masterpiece, it seems like the perfect arrangement: the hotshot’s only in town for a brief assignment and then he’ll be gone. No commitment, no strings, and no chance of getting my heart broken again.

There’s just one problem: I think I’m falling in love. Now I’m afraid that maybe I’m the marrying type after all. And he definitely is not.

63: Borrowing Blue

 Borrowing Blue (Made Marian 1)

af Lucy Lennox

302 sider






Blue: When my ex walks into the resort bar with his new husband on his arm, I want nothing more than to prove to him that I’ve moved on. Thankfully, the sexy stranger sitting next to me is more than willing to share a few kisses in the name of revenge. It gets even better when those scorching kisses turn into a night of fiery passion. 

The only problem? Turns out the stranger's brother is marrying my sister later this week.

Tristan: I have one rule: no messing with the guests at my vineyard resort. Of course the one exception I make turns out to be my future brother-in-law. Now we’re stuck together for a week of wedding activities, and there’s no avoiding the heat burning between us. 

So fine, we make a deal: one week. One week to enjoy each other’s bodies and get it out of our system. Once the bride and groom say I do and we become family, it’ll all be over between us. Right?

62: First comes scandal

 First comes scandal: A Bridgertons prequel (Rokesbys 4)

af Julia Quinn

389 sider






She was given two choices...

Georgiana Bridgerton isn’t against the idea of marriage. She’d just thought she’d have some say in the matter. But with her reputation hanging by a thread after she’s abducted for her dowry, Georgie is given two options: live out her life as a spinster or marry the rogue who has ruined her life.

Enter Option #3

As the fourth son of an earl, Nicholas Rokesby is prepared to chart his own course. He has a life in Edinburgh, where he’s close to completing his medical studies, and he has no time—or interest—to find a wife. But when he discovers that Georgie Bridgerton—his literal girl-next-door—is facing ruin, he knows what he must do.

A Marriage of Convenience

It might not have been the most romantic of proposals, but Nicholas never thought she’d say no. Georgie doesn’t want to be anyone’s sacrifice, and besides, they could never think of each other as anything more than childhood friends... or could they?

But as they embark upon their unorthodox courtship they discover a new twist to the age-old rhyme. First comes scandal, then comes marriage. But after that comes love...

61: The other Miss Bridgerton

 The other Miss Bridgerton: A Bridgertons prequel (Rokesbys 3)

af Julia Quinn

307 sider






She was in the wrong place...

Fiercely independent and adventurous, Poppy Bridgerton will only wed a suitor whose keen intellect and interests match her own. Sadly, none of the fools from her London season qualify. While visiting a friend on the Dorset coast, Poppy is pleasantly surprised to discover a smugglers’ hideaway tucked inside a cave. But her delight turns to dismay when two pirates kidnap her and take her aboard a ship, leaving her bound and gagged on the captain’s bed…

He found her at the wrong time...

Known to society as a rascal and reckless privateer, Captain Andrew James Rokesby actually transports essential goods and documents for the British government. Setting sail on a time-sensitive voyage to Portugal, he’s stunned to find a woman waiting for him in his cabin. Surely, his imagination is getting the better of him. But no, she is very real—and his duty to the Crown means he's stuck with her. 

Can two wrongs make the most perfect right?

 When Andrew learns that she is a Bridgerton, he knows he will likely have to wed her to avert a scandal—though Poppy has no idea that he is the son of an earl and neighbor to her aristocratic cousins in Kent. On the high seas, their war of words soon gives way to an intoxicating passion. But when Andrew’s secret is revealed, will his declaration of love be enough to capture her heart…?

60: The girl with the make-believe husband

 The girl with the make-believe husband: A Bridgerton prequel (Rokesbys 2)

af Julia Quinn

309 sider






While you were sleeping...

With her brother Thomas injured on the battlefront in the Colonies, orphaned Cecilia Harcourt has two unbearable choices: move in with a maiden aunt or marry a scheming cousin. Instead, she chooses option three and travels across the Atlantic, determined to nurse her brother back to health. But after a week of searching, she finds not her brother but his best friend, the handsome officer Edward Rokesby. He's unconscious and in desperate need of her care, and Cecilia vows that she will save this soldier's life, even if staying by his side means telling one little lie...

I told everyone I was your wife

When Edward comes to, he's more than a little confused. The blow to his head knocked out three months of his memory, but surely he would recall getting married. He knows who Cecilia Harcourt is—even if he does not recall her face—and with everyone calling her his wife, he decides it must be true, even though he'd always assumed he'd marry his neighbor back in England.

If only it were true...

Cecilia risks her entire future by giving herself—completely—to the man she loves. But when the truth comes out, Edward may have a few surprises of his own for the new Mrs. Rokesby.

59: Because of Miss Bridgerton

 Because of Miss Bridgerton: A Bridgerton prequel (Rokesbys 1)

af Julia Quinn

377 sider






Denne serie omhandler generationen før Bridgerton søskenderne

Sometimes you find love in the most unexpected of places...

This is not one of those times.

Everyone expects Billie Bridgerton to marry one of the Rokesby brothers. The two families have been neighbors for centuries, and as a child the tomboyish Billie ran wild with Edward and Andrew. Either one would make a perfect husband... someday.

Sometimes you fall in love with exactly the person you think you should...

Or not.

There is only one Rokesby Billie absolutely cannot tolerate, and that is George. He may be the eldest and heir to the earldom, but he's arrogant, annoying, and she's absolutely certain he detests her. Which is perfectly convenient, as she can't stand the sight of him, either.

But sometimes fate has a wicked sense of humor...

Because when Billie and George are quite literally thrown together, a whole new sort of sparks begins to fly. And when these lifelong adversaries finally kiss, they just might discover that the one person they can't abide is the one person they can't live without...

58: The Bridgertons: Happily ever after

 The Bridgertons: Happily ever after (Bridgertons)

af Julia Quinn

386 sider






a collection of “second epilogues” to her Bridgerton series plus a new bonus Bridgerton novella.

57: On the way to the wedding

 On the way to the wedding (Bridgertons 8)

af Julia Quinn

381 sider






Der er noget lidt soap opera over handlingen i dette bind, men den er stadig velskreven af rigtig god underholdning

Unlike most men of his acquaintance, Gregory Bridgerton believes in true love. And he is convinced that when he finds the woman of his dreams, he will know in an instant that she is the one. And that is exactly what happened. Except ...

She wasn’t the one. In fact, the ravishing Miss Hermione Watson is in love with another. But her best friend, the ever-practical Lady Lucinda Abernathy, wants to save Hermione from a disastrous alliance, so she offers to help Gregory win her over. But in the process, Lucy falls in love. With Gregory! Except ...

Lucy is engaged. And her uncle is not inclined to let her back out of the betrothal, even once Gregory comes to his senses and realizes that it is Lucy, with her sharp wit and sunny smile, who makes his heart sing. And now, on the way to the wedding, Gregory must risk everything to ensure that when it comes time to kiss the bride, he is the only man standing at the altar ...

56: It's in his kiss

 It's in his kiss (Bridgertons 7)

af Julia Quinn

407 sider






Meet Our Hero . . .

Gareth St. Clair is in a bind. His father, who detests him, is determined to beggar the St. Clair estates and ruin his inheritance. Gareth’s sole bequest is an old family diary, which may or may not contain the secrets of his past . . . and the key to his future. The problem is—it’s written in Italian, of which Gareth speaks not a word.

Meet Our Heroine . . .

All the ton agreed: there was no one quite like Hyacinth Bridgerton. She’s fiendishly smart, devilishly outspoken, and according to Gareth, probably best in small doses. But there’s something about her—something charming and vexing—that grabs him and won’t quite let go . . .

Meet Poor Mr. Mozart . . .

Or don’t. But rest assured, he’s spinning in his grave when Gareth and Hyacinth cross paths at the annual—and annually discordant—Smythe-Smith musicale. To Hyacinth, Gareth’s every word seems a dare, and she offers to translate his diary, even though her Italian is slightly less than perfect. But as they delve into the mysterious text, they discover that the answers they seek lie not in the diary, but in each other . . . and that there is nothing as simple—or as complicated—as a single, perfect kiss.

55: When he was wicked

 When he was wicked (Bridgertons 6)

af Julia Quinn

426 sider






Dette bind var for mig ikke helt på højde med resten af serien. Jeg tror simpelthen det var fordi den kvindelige hovedrolle ikke rigtig fangede mig

In every life there is a turning point . . .

A moment so tremendous, so sharp and breathtaking, that one knows one's life will never be the same. For Michael Stirling, London's most infamous rake, that moment came the first time he laid eyes on Francesca Bridgerton.

After a lifetime of chasing women, of smiling slyly as they chased him, of allowing himself to be caught but never permitting his heart to become engaged, he took one look at Francesca Bridgerton and fell so fast and hard into love it was a wonder he managed to remain standing. Unfortunately for Michael, however, Francesca's surname was to remain Bridgerton for only a mere thirty-six hours longer—the occasion of their meeting was, lamentably, a supper celebrating her imminent wedding to his cousin.

But that was then . . . Now Michael is the earl and Francesca is free, but still she thinks of him as nothing other than her dear friend and confidant. Michael dares not speak to her of his love . . . until one dangerous night, when she steps innocently into his arms and passion proves stronger than even the most wicked of secrets . . .

54: To Sir Phillip, with love

 To Sir Phillip, with love (Bridgertons 5)

af Julia Quinn

426 sider






She wrote him a letter...and he stole her heart.

Sir Phillip knew that Eloise Bridgerton was a spinster, and so he’d proposed, figuring that she’d be homely and unassuming, and more than a little desperate for an offer of marriage. Except . . . she wasn’t. The beautiful woman on his doorstep was anything but quiet, and when she stopped talking long enough to close her mouth, all he wanted to do was kiss her . . . and more.

Did he think she was mad? Eloise Bridgerton couldn’t marry a man she had never met! But then she started thinking . . . and wondering . . . and before she knew it, she was in a hired carriage in the middle of the night, on her way to meet the man she hoped might be her perfect match. Except . . . he wasn’t. Her perfect husband wouldn’t be so moody and ill-mannered, and while Phillip was certainly handsome, he was a large brute of a man, rough and rugged, and totally unlike the London gentlemen vying for her hand. But when he smiled . . . and when he kissed her . . . the rest of the world simply fell away, and she couldn’t help but wonder . . . could this imperfect man be perfect for her?

53: Romancing Mister Bridgerton

 Romancing Mister Bridgerton (Bridgertons 4)

af Julia Quinn

418 sider






Everyone knows that Colin Bridgerton is the most charming man in London . . .

Penelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend's brother for . . . well, it feels like forever. After half a lifetime of watching Colin Bridgerton from afar, she thinks she knows everything about him, until she stumbles across his deepest secret . . . and fears she doesn't know him at all.

Colin Bridgerton is tired of being thought of as nothing but an empty-headed charmer, tired of the notorious gossip columnist Lady Whistledown, who can't seem to publish an edition without mentioning him. But when Colin returns to London from a trip abroad, he discovers nothing in his life is quite the same—especially Penelope Featherington! The girl who was always simply there is suddenly the girl haunting his dreams. When he discovers that Penelope has secrets of her own, this elusive bachelor must decide . . . is she his biggest threat— or his promise of a happy ending?

52: Bridgerton collection volume one

 Bridgerton collection volume one (The Duke and I, The Viscount who loved me and An offer from a gentleman)

af Julia Quinn

1053 sider





rigtig god

Jeg havde set sæson 1 af filmatiseringen, som jeg var rigtig godt underholdt af, så jeg ville prøve bøgerne også. Jeg havde ikke særlig mange forventninger til bøgerne, da jeg normalt ikke er til romance novels, hvad jeg (fejlagtigt) troede de var, men jeg blev glædeligt overrasket.

Bøgerne er velskrevne, rigtig underholdende (jeg grinede mange gange), og personerne er godt beskrevne. Man lærer dem at kende og ingen af dem er en-dimensionelle. 

Et rigtigt godt bekendskab, så jeg endte med at læse hele serien plus en serie mere af samme forfatter, mens jeg var i karantæne hjemme

he Duke and I
When Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset, Duke of Hastings, agree to a fake courtship, they think they’ve found the perfect solution to their problems. Romantically associated with one of London’s most desirable catches, Daphne’s prospects among the ton will soar. For avowed bachelor Simon, an attachment to Daphne will deter would-be brides and their ambitious mamas. Their plan works like a charm—at first. But amid the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of London’s elite, there is only one certainty: love ignores every rule. . . 

The Viscount Who Loved Me
London's most elusive bachelor, Anthony Bridgerton is determined to wed. But one obstacle stands in his way—his intended's older sister, Kate Sheffield, who is driving Anthony mad with her determination to stop the betrothal. Kate is quite sure that reformed rakes do not make the best husbands, and Anthony Bridgerton is the most wicked rogue of them all. She’s determined to protect her sister—even as she fears she may not be able to resist the reprehensible and oh so desirable rake herself . . .


An Offer from a Gentleman
Sophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball—or that she would be spinning in the arms of her "Prince Charming"—the debonair and devastatingly handsome Benedict Bridgerton. But when the clock strikes midnight, Sophie’s enchanting evening ends. Since that night Benedict has been able to think of nothing but the bewitching young woman, and he’s sworn to find and wed his mystery miss. Yet will another unexpectedly steal his heart—and his chance for a fairy tale love?

51: Flakes

 Flakes (a Licking thicket prequel novella)

af Lucy Lennox og May Archer

69 sider






50: Fake friends

 Fake friends (Never just friends 2)

af Saxon James

354 sider




ebook god

49: Two best men only one bed

 Two best men only one bed (Heroes of Port dale 6)

af Romeo Alexander

189 sider






fredag den 22. januar 2021

48: Mellem træernes grene

 Mellem træernes grene

af Eva Munk

128 sider




Amandas bror Mathias er forsvundet i skoven. Amanda beslutter sig for at finde ham igen, men skoven gemmer på en dybere sandhed - en sandhed, der er så mørk, at den er svær at rumme. 
En bog som knuger en om hjertet. Man mærker virkelig Amandas sorg og fortvivlelse. Man bliver ført ind i hendes følelser og bliver taget med på hendes rejse ud erkendelse af det uerkendelige.
Utrolig velskrevet bog.